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Wednesday 18 January 2017

Do You Believe MMM Will Rise or Fall In 2017?

Two ways MMM and Other Alleged MMM-Cloned Member-to-Member Donation Platforms Will Not Survive Their Toughest 2017 Competitions

There is fear that MMM will fall in Nigeria in 2017, following complaints of members about the disparaging event of the 2016 Christmas Holiday short-down of MMM, alongside the World Bank’s and IMF’s forecast of Nigeria’s slow economic growth, after the nation has seen its highest inflation in 11 years.

The country's inflation grew to 18.6% in 11 consecutive months, as stated by the Bureau of Statistics, and the continuous negative signs that the Nation’s currency will suffer a more gregarious fall in 2017, following the uncertainty of its OPEC deals, are among the reasons to expect the reaction of Nigerians to investment opportunities as counter-productive.

Indeed some business owners are already having preference for the “guiders” role on donation platforms, as a better way to make money than to buy and sell products.

One would ordinarily expect that MMM and its allies will witness more fans-support through 2017 amidst skepticism that the platform is sustainable, since it can short-down operations at any time, and there are bound to be losers whenever it happens.

Moreover, many 2016 MMM fans have been interviewed on radio and have aired their opinions about their belief in the donation platform which topped the chart in 2016, and against all mixed fillings expressed, it has been stated by a greater majority that they will continue to support the platform but with a lower risk capital.

New members are equally anticipated by guiders to join the platform, so guiders are beginning to set up local offices and to register them as new areas of business. That appears like a new market has been opened in the Nigerian economic frontier which will be best denoted as the “Donation market”.

While this may look like a new opportunity for business owners to veer with their capital, its impact on the society will remain significant, as there will be no less harmful impact on the economy than there will be financial boost in the pockets of retail clients (donors) and agents (guiders).

But nothing among the foregoing suggests a decline in the Win-Lose outlook of MMM vs. Nigerian Economy, hence the Nigerian economy will continue to be the loser as people will abandon their businesses for the new “donation market” that abates none of the problems of the economy and the government will continue to depend heavily on debt reliefs from other governments like Chinese and Development banks.

However, there are no innovations to see mounting the center stage that will challenge MMM and its cronies, such that people will be presented with the option of getting richer with innovative substantial investment platforms like SECSTA Funding and My Big Funders both launching in 2017 from the same local office in Port Harcourt or remain rooted in MMM and its cronies that will not change their donation and payment metrics.

SECSTA Funding (SF) and My Big Funders (MBF) are the two ways MMM with other Alleged MMM-Cloned Member to Member Donation Platforms Will Not Survive 2017 Competitions.

While the distinctive features of SF and MBF is that they are not donation platforms, they are incorporated entities and they can help investors maximize their wealth in a much less amount of time than MMM and other donation platforms can possibly do without changing their donation and payment metrics which would mean altering their mission in a bid to become competitive.

How My Big Funders (MBF) Wins MMM

First of all, My Big Funders (MBF) is the real big thing that will bring to the collapse of MMM because it has room for capacity development where everyone can be taught the secrets to making real wealth in a really short time with new skills they can acquire that will help them to start a fast growing and high speed liquidating business that could never have started with MMM alone. MMM does not build anyone’s capacity and MMM does not support entrepreneurship; that is why businesses are closing when MMM is open.

Another point about MBF is that it is very fast and effective way to boost the growth of socio-enterprises and make individuals more enterprising, creative and hardworking for the purpose of becoming self-reliant and able to help build back a falling economy.

Besides, MBF is a real financial platform which operates locally for the purpose of being accessible like the banks are always accessible. But it has only two doors for everyone to come in, the first being the door to investment that turns in quick profit in 24 hours without the investor doing any work himself, and the second door is open for anyone who wants to learn the secrets of making quick wealth working from home or office to the capacity of generating $15,000 monthly.

Since these are real opportunities that people never saw, MBF will dominate the innovative business frontier with a heavy dependence on primary software technology market without having its own technology patent, as a secondary software tech driven firm.

The biggest competitive edge of MBF over MMM is that while MMM offers members 30% return for member to member donations which mature in 30 days, where the money is not connected with any investment process, MBF offers investors 60% return on investment that mature in 24 hours where members know their money is connected with a real investment process with a highly volatile return metrics.

For this reason, there will be no need to donate to members on MMM, Givers Forum, Get Help, or other cloned-versions of MMM; where you have to wait 10 days, 14 days and 30 days, as the case may be, before getting back your donation with a higher interest not more than 50%.

In MBF, you are like a real merchant that knows how much capital is needed to invest in an asset which is traded in 24 hours and turns in a profit of 60%, just after you contribute to the growth of the platform by referring one new investor.

It means that while others are still waiting for more 9, 13, and 29 days to receive donations from their fellow members on MMM and its cronies, you are already reaping the returns of your investments in 60 folds every 24 hours on MBF.

And then, with evidence, anyone who hears that MBF is such a reliable investment platform will have no option but to abandon MMM for MBF. Who wins at the end of the day? MBF wins and MMM loses.

So, in the competition of MMM vs. the economy, the result is Win-Lose, and now because the Nigerian economy is not competitive, a stronger competition has come to beat down the pants of MMM and with the same result of Win-Lose in the competition of MBF vs MMM, the loser this time is MMM.

Why SECSTA Funding (SF) Is MMM's Biggest Threat in 2017

MBF is just one way of turning the table against MMM, another way is SECSTA Funding. And this time, SECSTA Funding (SF) is much bigger than MBF and so competes even better against MMM.

While MBF is able to give 60% in 24 hours and build capacity, SECSTA Funding (SF) comes low with only 7% in 6 days, yet still beats MMM because it pays 600% royalties every six months without demanding a base of another investment for that 600% royalty but qualifies an investor for earning it on the highest group level worth $560 in so far as the member had been accredited on that level for at least once in six months.

The assuring thing about SF is that it is not a clone of any other investment or donation platform as it prides itself on being the world’s first Integrated Investment Sustainability Internet Project (IISIP) where low income earners are groomed to become accredited investors, and it also builds a fortified lending system with a non-profit mission which is honed as the world’s first zero-interest humanitarian lending service provider.

What this means is that MMM cannot afford to give anyone money if the person has not previously made a donation, but SECSTA Funding has a non-profit mission of giving potential investors money for them to invest it anywhere of their choice and to pay back the same amount they received in not more than 12 months time.

So, this is the biggest thing that spells out the difference why everyone will prefer to access SECSTA Funding for zero-interest loan that can be accessed on the spot online.

SECSTA Funding’s mission is backed by sales of preference and equity shares and this means it is a global investment platform while its reward to investors is guaranteed by the sustainability of its vision for being the World’s first Integrated Investment Sustainability Internet Project (IISIP).

In comparison with MMM, a member can only receive 180% cumulative donation interest after six rounds of donations on the MMM platform to other MMM users. That is all a member can expect after 6 months by adding up 30% interest gained each month until the sixth month, and even for another six months, the total will only be 360% as each 30% adds up for twelve times donation possible in a year. This profit is indeed less compared with what an investor gets on SECSTA Funding.

First, an investor gets accredited for only once in about 5 weeks, then moves to a higher group level for another accreditation until the fifth group level is reached then the member has covered the entire group levels in only 25 weeks, all less than 6 months, then, in the sixth month, the investor receives 600% royalty from the last group level accreditation worth $560, raising the fund earned to $3800.

That is only a royalty not an ROI, so, while the member anticipates getting a royalty payment in every sixth month for the highest level accreditation attained before the time, the member has always received 7% ROI in every six days after a group level investment.

The point then is that, SF helps its investors to start investing with a very low capital of $21 worth of accreditation which qualifies them to invest on a group level for five rounds using repeated investment of the same accreditation amount equivalent, then helps them to grow it to $560 in a total of 25 weeks at which point they earn 600% royalty.

It elevates them from the level of being low level preference shares investors whose investment in SF shares are not up to $1000 to the point of having received 600% Royalty where they can then participate in SF equity share, as accredited investors able to participate at the first grade of SF equity share, with a minimum investment range of 3 units with each range being worth $1000, and they still have an excess of $60.

They return back to invest in SF preference shares and watch it grow in the same way from $21 to $560; that is the fine thing about SECSTA Funding, that investors know they are actually growing to earn bigger royalties and then the time they have been waiting for comes, when their equity share yields dividends after 12 months because the fund was invested in SF’s Integrated Investment Sustainability projects which cover integrated transport, green food, clean water and renewable energy.

Having shown this edge, what SF investors benefit in 6 months, MMM members cannot benefit in 12 months. That goes well to show that in the competition of SF vs. MMM, the result is Win-Lose in favor of SECSTA Funding as the winner while MMM is the loser here.


It is anticipated that when SF investors tell others what they are earning on SF is far bigger and better than MMM and its cronies, it will be expected that MMM members will abandon MMM for SF and that is when the real change begins to happen in society as SF will bring real development that MMM cannot bring.

Moreover, there are career opportunities on SF so that MMM’s guiders can quit MMM and still find a better opportunity on SF which offers partners up to $1000 weekly, and the interesting thing is that Partners can always earn commission from the preference shares investors they introduce to SF on recurrent basis, as well as from those equity investors they introduce to SF on one-time investment commission basis.

This is why SF is the biggest innovation ever and its career opportunities are open for everyone who wants to quit MMM guider’s position for SF partnership.

Now, if MBF and SF are launched in 2017, anyone can be sure that MMM is doomed to perish.

So, instead of thinking MMM will last, people with foresight should start preparing to switch completely over to MBF for daily 60% profit and to SF for 600% Royalty plus weekly 7% ROI and annual dividends from SF equity shares.


To get informed about MBF and SF opportunities, when they are launched, you can subscribe to our email list by sending “I Will Invest in MBF and SF” to secstafunding@gmail.com.      

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